Do Something

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  How many of you actually knew that? A majority of people know that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so why don’t they know about the other? Domestic Violence is a taboo issue to talk about… why?  The only way we are going to be able to end this terrible abuse is by talking about it!

Let’s do something. The website has many different projects and ways to make a difference.  If you look around on the website, you can find all the different project ideas, one of which takes only a minute. 11 ways to use texting to fight dating abuse.  Perfect.  We all have a cell phone; we are all able to spend one minute and send at least one person a text.

Make me a promise.  Promise me that you will do something.  Promise me you will send out a text to at least one person.  Let them know that it is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and let them know you are trying to do your part and end domestic violence and teen dating violence.

The Teen Dating Violence Helpline 1 (866) 331-9474

Relationship Violence. Break the Silence. Be Part of the Solution.
You Can Make a Difference, You Can Save Lives.

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2 Responses to Do Something

  1. stranger says:

    Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.

  2. I’ve noticed that its the subtle details that make certain blogs stand out. In yours, its the repetition of the helpline and the quote. It reinforces that you really care about the issue. I think that overall, you may be the most passionate blogger in the class. I remember you saying that you wouldn’t stop until you make it on the show, so I wish you the best of luck.

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